Identifying the need to pass urine becomes difficult for a person experiencing bladder weakness. Incontinence pads are a very effective way of managing this condition whilst helping to reduce odour and maintain skin integrity.
Bladder weakness is a medical condition which results in a person being unable to control their bladder which then leads to involuntary loss of urine. As a consequence the person living with this condition can start to refrain from social activities and spending time with family and friends.
Several companies offer incontinence pads which come in several absorbencies and have a waterproof backing. Available for both men and women, these pads come in different styles, sizes and absorbency ranges to suit all conditions. Also contained within the products are odour neutralisers.
Stress Urinary Incontinence
When the bladder sphincter is weakened or dysfunctions because of the weakness of the muscles in the pelvic floor, it can cause stress urinary incontinence. Most commonly affecting women, it is often reported during pregnancy and triggered after childbirth. When the intra-abdominal pressure rises, the pressure on the bladder also increases which overcomes the closure pressure of the sphincter, resulting in involuntary urine loss.
In many cases, hormonal changes during menopause aggravate its severity which can lead to involuntary leakage of urine while sneezing, coughing, exercising, running or even laughing.
Urge Urinary Incontinence
Urge urinary incontinence, the most common type, is involuntary leakage of urine which is immediately preceded or accompanied by urgency. Most frequently seen in the elderly, it can be associated with urinary tract infection, prostate gland enlargement and other physical conditions like diabetes or degenerative diseases of central nervous system.
Over activity of the bladder muscles cause this kind of incontinence. It results in sudden, partial or complete emptying of the bladder. In less severe conditions, the person has a frequent urge to pass urine while having the voluntary control. As the severity increases, the individual begins to lose control which results in incontinence.
Neurogenic Detrusor Over-activity
This kind of incontinence is common to people with neurological conditions. With or without any urge to void the bladder, it results in uninitiated, spontaneous leakage. Another trait of this kind of incontinence is detrusor (bladder muscle) contraction. Spinal cord injury, spina bifida, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and dementia are some reasons that may cause neurogenic detrusor over-activity.
Bladder Outlet Obstruction
Is caused by an obstruction to the outflow tract, a stricture or stenosis in the urethra or enlarged prostate gland resulting in difficulties passing urine and the bladder failing to empty completely. Due to this partial blockage in the urethra, large volumes of urine start accumulating in the bladder, over time. Chronic retention of urine worsens the condition by making bladder palpable after the patients pass the urine and causing incontinence that result in constant or frequent dripping.
You can conveniently buy the incontinence pads for men and women over the Internet. With a number of websites now offering incontinence pads within the portfolio of products it is always advisable to purchase from a reliable site which provides high quality products offering a selection of styles, sizes and absorbencies aimed at improving quality of lift and reducing the impact of this condition.
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